What is D3 Visa?

Tech Visa

The D3 Visa is the residence visa for highly qualified activity.

For whom?

It is considered highly qualified, the activity whose exercise requires specialized technical skills, of an exceptional character or an adequate qualification for the respective exercise.

However, when the highly qualified activity is not carried out in favor of a company certified under the Tech Visa Program, the interested party should resort to the general regime for granting a residence permit for highly qualified workers.


Read more about the Tech Visa program here.



The D3 Visa for the exercise of a highly qualified activity is granted to a third-country national who:

  1. Holds an employment contract or promise of an employment contract with at least one year duration, which corresponds to an annual remuneration of at least 1.5 times the national average gross annual salary or three times the indexing value of social support (IAS);
  2. In the case of a regulated profession, hold high professional qualifications, duly proven;
  3. In the case of a non-regulated profession, hold high professional qualifications appropriate to the activity or sector.


For the purposes of employment in professions considered to be particularly in need of workers who are nationals of third countries, the wage threshold provided for in point (a) must correspond to at least 1.2 times the average national gross wage, or twice the value of the IAS .


Note: IAS in 2022 is set at 443,20€.



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