The end of the Expression of Interest requirement to obtain residency in Portugal was the first measure announced during the presentation of the new government’s Migration Plan.
This measure, now replaced by the need to present a work contract before entering the country, is included in the long document of 41 measures proposed yesterday by the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Presidency.
The diploma has already been promulgated by the President of the Republic so, as of today, no expressions of interest can be requested in order to obtain residence in Portugal.
Expression of interest replaced by employment contract
The aim is to eliminate another step – in this case the first – in the bureaucracy of migrants’ entry into Portugal and thus achieve more regulated immigration with the obligation to present a work contract to enter Portugal.
It’s worth remembering that the expression of interest was the mechanism that allowed immigrants whose Social Security situation had been regularized for 12 months to have a legal gateway into Portugal and was therefore considered a highly sought-after mechanism, with many pending issues at AIMA.
To find out more about this change or any other made in the context of the new Migration Plan, don’t hesitate to contact our team of lawyers here.