Real Estate: Lisbon in the top 25 of the preferred cities to buy a house

The capital of Portugal enters the Barnes Index City 2023, a ranking that compiles the city’s most sought after by people with high purchasing power


Paris, Miami, New York, Austin and Dubai occupy the first 5 places in the Barnes Index City 2023, a ranking that gathers data on the most sought-after cities for the acquisition of a property by people with very high purchasing power. In the United States of America it is consider very high purchasing power when people have at least US$ 30 million in net assets, which in simplified terms means around €27 million euros.

According to Barnes International Reality, responsible for this study, following the War in Ukraine, the number of people “with very high purchasing power”, decreased by 6% in June 2022, compared to 2021. international investors continue to acquire properties and revealed a preference for Paris. Barnes International Reality advances that this growing demand for the French city is based on the 2024 Olympic Games.

Portugal timidly rises in this list, occupying the 20th place in the preference of all those who enjoy a very high purchasing power, and in the previous year it was in 24th place. However, in this 2023 table, Lisbon is ahead of Barcelona (Spain), Singapore (Singapore), Dallas (USA), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Munich (Germany). The Barnes City Index 2023 also indicates that Istanbul, in Turkey, and Barcelona (in Spain) are included for the first time in the Top 25 of the most sought-after cities for property acquisition by these specific investors.


TOP 25

  1. Paris
  2. Miami
  3. New York
  4. Austin
  5. Dubai
  6. Tokyo
  7. London
  8. Geneva
  9. Madrid
  10. Milan
  11. Rome
  12. Istanbul
  13. Montreal
  14. Amsterdam
  15. Stockholm
  16. Zurich
  17. Toronto
  18. Los Angeles
  19. Monaco
  20. Lisbon
  21. Barcelona
  22. Singapore
  23. Dallas
  24. Copenhagen
  25. Munich




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