New platform supports refugees and landlords in the rental market

The objective of this new platform is to celebrate, between landlords and refugees, lease contracts, with a minimum duration of one year

The A REDE platform (A Rede ( has just been launched in Portugal, in a joint initiative between the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and the Refugee Support Platform (PAR), financed by the Asylum Fund, Migration and Integration (FAMI).

The purpose of this platform is to facilitate leasing between property owners and refugee families, this process being supervised by the Jesuit Refugee Service and based on contracts with a minimum duration of 12 months.

Any person, Portuguese or foreign, who owns a property and wants to place it on the rental market through this network can enter the platform and fill out an online form with the characteristics of the properties, the lease conditions and/or other spaces they have. available for rent (however, the platform for the time being only uses the Portuguese language).

According to the Statistical Report on Asylum 2022, by the Observatório das Migrações (Migration Observatory), the number of asylum requests registered in Portugal has undergone some changes due to the pandemic: 1820 in 2019 / 1002 in 2020 and 1540 in 2021. The decisions handed down in the courts of first instance on requests for international protection also decreased in this scenario: 745 in 2019 / 420 in 2020 and 505 in 2021.

In 2022 and following the War in Ukraine, Portugal the number of refugees soared; however, some are no longer in the country. The granting of asylum or subsidiary protection happens for different reasons and that jeopardizes the rights, guarantees and freedoms of the human being.



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