Government announces final measures of the “Mais Habitação” program on March 30

The Ministry of Housing extended part of the public consultation of the “Mais Habitação” program until March 24. The Government announced that these measures will be discussed and approved by the Council of Ministers on March 30


The initial date scheduled for the presentation of the final measures of the “Mais Habitação” program, which include the end of the Golden Visa Portugal Program in its current form, was March 16, that is, exactly one month after the presentation of the government proposals. However, public consultation on part of these measures was extended until March 24.

In a statement, the Portuguese Government announced that the extension of this deadline, initially scheduled until March 13 and now extended until the 24th, takes place at the request of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities – ANMP. However, some of the proposals are already announced on March 16th, that is, this package will be presented in two phases: on March 16th and 30th.

Regarding the end of the Golden Visa Program, it is not specified whether it is announced on the 16th or if it enters the scope of the final measures, on the 30th of March. However, the Portuguese Government’s proposal for a law is that all renewal requests that have already been submitted and are awaiting a decision are valid, but their holders will have 60 days, after the diploma comes into force, to present proof of residence or, alternatively, lease.

In 2022, 11,535 residence permits were granted in Portugal, of which 10,593 took place within the scope of the acquisition of real estate, whose total investment exceeded 6 million euros.


What is released on March 16?

  • Support for housing loans and rents (public consultation ends on March 13)


What measures are presented on March 30?

  • Derelict properties
  • Lease by the Government
  • Sale of real estate to the State
  • Landlords having to relocate tenants when the property is overcrowded
  • Measures inherent to the operation of the Local Accommodation
  • Note: the public consultation of these diplomas ends on March 24


Remember that the diplomas will be subsequently submitted to the Assembly of the Republic.

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