Foreigners represent 40% of housing investment in Lisbon

Investimento em habitação em lisboa

In 2020, foreign investors represented 40% of housing investment in the Urban Rehabilitation Area (ARU) of Lisbon. The Chinese are the main buyers, who hold a 24% share of the amount.

Despite the constraints imposed by the pandemic, foreign capital started to aggregate 40% of the total amount invested in housing in the ARU of Lisbon and 30% of the number of properties in 2020.

Foreign investors invested a total of €739.1 million in housing purchases at ARU of Lisbon, a fall of just 3% from the €761.8 million transacted in 2019. In several properties, the 1509 transactions represent a 10% fall compared to 1673 in 2019.

In 2020, the national investment in housing in this territory fell 19% in the amount invested, to 1,125 million euros and 22% in the number of properties for 3,462 units. In 2019, 35% of the amount invested in housing in the ARU of Lisbon was of international origin and 65% of national origin.

On average, in 2020, foreigners invested 490,500 euros per operation, plus 165,500 euros (+50%) more than the average investment of the Portuguese.

In total, 78 nationalities invested in real estate in the ARU of Lisbon in 2020. The Chinese, with a share of 24% of the amount invested, lead the international investment, followed by the French (16%), Americans (8%), British (7%) and Brazilians (6%).

The Parish of Santo António is the main destination for the purchase of real estate

The parish of Santo António continued to be the main destination of foreign investment in housing, concentrating 19% of the amount invested (139.4 million euros). Santa Maria Maior remains at the top of preferences, with a share of 14% (€103.8 million), followed by Estrela, with a 13% share (€93.9 million). Misericórdia (€72.2 million) and Arroios (€70.5 million) both represent 10% quotas.

The data were calculated by Confidencial Imobiliário and cover housing transactions carried out by individuals in the ARU of Lisbon. It should be noted that the ARU of Lisbon covers practically the entire territory of the city, excluding areas such as Parque das Nações, Laranjeiras, or Alta de Lisboa.

If you are looking to buy a house in Lisbon and want to obtain legal advice, do not hesitate to contact us.

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