Are Portugal’s “Alojamento Local” holiday rentals coming to an end?

Lawyer André Gomes Dias, on Idealista News:

In recent years, until the pandemic, Portugal’s short-term rental market (known as Alojamento Local or AL) had been a strong driver of the national economy and of the rejuvenation of the housing stock. This was especially true in the large urban centers of Lisbon and Porto, along with the more touristy regions such as the Algarve and Madeira.

However, at the same time, holiday rentals in Portugal have also been the target of criticism by neighbors and politicians. Recently, the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) declared that it would no longer be possible to have short-term rentals in residential buildings in Portugal. Now what? Is this the end of AL short-term rentals in Portugal?

Read the full article here.

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