Increase in the number of citizens who applied for the Equal Rights and Obligations Status

Estatuto de igualdade

The Statute of Equal Rights and Obligations allows Portuguese citizens resident in Brazil and Brazilian citizens resident in Portugal to enjoy certain rights and to be subject to the same duties as nationals of these two countries.

In Portugal, those who can apply for this statute are citizens of Brazilian nationality, of legal age, with a valid residence permit, and residents.

According to the 2020 Immigration, Border and Asylum Report (RIFA), 7534 equality statutes were instructed, the highest value in the last ten years. Of these, 7 499 correspond to requests for Equal Rights and Duties and 33 to Requests for Equal Political Rights.

In 2020, there was a slight increase in the number of citizens applying for equal status (2.9%), confirming the trend seen since 2016.

If you need more information about the Statute of Equal Rights and Obligations do not hesitate to contact us.

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