European Parliament approves Covid-19 Digital Certificate

Digital Certificate

The European Parliament has approved the adoption of the COVID-19 Digital Certificate, which will allow citizens already vaccinated, tested, or recovered from an infection to travel without restrictions within the European Union from 1st July.

This certificate will facilitate the free movement of EU citizens during the Covid-19 pandemic.


What is the Covid-19 Digital Certificate?

It consists of a digital document which is proof that a person:

  • Have been vaccinated against Covid-19 (at least one dose); or
  • Received a negative result in a Covid-19 test; or
  • Have recovered from a Covid-19 infection.


What is it for?

The Covid-19 Digital Certificate will facilitate the free movement within the European Union during the pandemic. Citizens with this Certificate are no longer obligated to comply with the restriction measures imposed by the country of destination, including the mandatory testing and quarantine procedures required when arriving in the country.

In any case, before any trip, you should consult the restriction measures imposed by the country of destination.


Where to get the Digital Certificate?

The issue of the certificate is the responsibility of the national authorities. This may be issued by testing centers or health authorities.

To obtain the Covid Digital Certificate in Portugal you must access the SNS 24 Portal and follow the instructions, and there is no cost associated with obtaining it.


Can unvaccinated citizens travel to EU countries?

Yes. The Covid 19 Digital Certificate is optional and facilitates freedom of movement within the EU during the pandemic. That is, the possession of the Certificate will not be a precondition to travel.

Citizens who are not vaccinated or who choose not to issue this document may continue to travel but are obligated to comply with the restrictive measures imposed by the country, such as testing procedures and prophylactic isolation mandatory upon arrival in the country.

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