“Conversion” of Granchildren Citizenship

conversion process

Portuguese grandchildren who obtained Portuguese nationality through naturalization have since June 2017 the possibility to proceed to the “conversion” of their citizenship into attribution.

“Conversion” of Portuguese Citizenship

Until June 2017, grandchildren could only obtain Portuguese nationality by naturalization (under article, paragraph 4 of the Nationality Law, meanwhile revoked).

Since that date, with the entry into force of the amendment to the Nationality Law, grandchildren have been able to obtain nationality by attribution (to see the difference here).

This means, in a very simplistic way, that previously naturalized grandchildren could not pass on nationality to their descendants, but now, after the “conversion” of naturalization into attribution, it becomes possible.

And with the advantage that, contrary to what is required from grandchildren who now obtain nationality for the first time, those who were already Portuguese under the previous law do not need to prove the existence of an effective connection to Portugal.

This “conversion” process is a “nationality by attribution” through Portuguese Grandparents under Article 1, n.º 1, al. d), which runs terms in the same sector and with the same fees and requirements of all the grandchildren processes, but with two fundamental differences: 1. it is much faster, 2. it does not require proof of effective connection to Portugal.

If you want to know more about this please contact us.

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