Regressar Program

Tax Regime for Former Residents in 2024

Who is it for?

It is intended for individuals who:

  • Become tax residents in Portugal by 31/12/2026;
  • Have not been considered residents in Portugal in any of the 5 years prior to that;
  • Have been residents in Portugal before the aforementioned 5-year period;
  • Have their tax situation regularized;
  • Have not benefited from the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) regime.


Procedure for obtaining the Regressar Program

Once individuals are considered residents and meet the above-mentioned requirements, they must indicate in their IRS declaration that they intend to benefit from this regime.


Benefits of the Regressar Program:

For a period of 5 years, the individual benefits from the exclusion of taxation of 50% of income from dependent work and income from business and professional activities, up to a maximum limit of €250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand Euros)

Contact us for more details

Lamares, Capela & Associados is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and we will only use your personal information to manage your account and provide the products and services you have requested. Occasionally, we would like to contact you about our products and services and also about other matters that may be of interest to you.
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Contacte-nos para saber mais detalhes.

A Lamares, Capela & Associados tem o compromisso de proteger e respeitar a sua privacidade e usaremos as suas informações pessoais apenas para gerir a sua conta e fornecer os produtos e serviços que nos solicitou. Ocasionalmente, gostaríamos de contactá-lo sobre os nossos produtos e serviços e também sobre outros assuntos que possam ser do seu interesse.