Golden Visa: Portugal, Greece and Spain

Golden Visa

In September 2018, Investment Migration Insider (IMI) conducted a study comparing statistically the three most attractive Golden Visa in Europe: Portugal, Greece and Spain.


In all three countries the Chinese invest the most in Golden Visa but only in Portugal they have the absolute majority (60%). The Russians are in second place in Spain and Greece, while in our country are in third place, occupying the second position Brazil.

According to IMI, the type of investment applied in the three countries is mostly real estate (Greece so far offers no alternatives, although it has announced that it would do so). In terms of location, most of this type of investment made in Portugal and Greece happens in their capitals, 65% and 71% respectively. On the other hand, in Spain only 16% invest in Madrid, preferring Barcelona, ​​the second largest city in the country.

Portugal was, for many years, leader in the Golden Visa program but was surpassed by Greece. The Spanish program saw a tremendous boost in 2017, growing 140% in that year alone.

If you would like to know more about Golden Visa, visit the Lamares, Capela & Associados website.

Source: IMI

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