
Certificado Sucessório Europeu

Since August 2012, Portugal has been applying Regulation (EU) No 650/2012, which lays down rules on jurisdiction, applicable

guia completo do divórcio

Divorce is a delicate and complex topic that affects many families. In Portugal, divorce has been legally recognized

Portugal, Lisbon official national state flag in black ambience with light coming from the top

What is Succession Planning In generic terms, succession planning can be defined as the set of operations aimed

In response to the concerns about the significant impact of increased monthly payments for families with housing loans


Several institutions will take over SEF’s police and administrative functions, such as the recently created AIMA. The extinction

casamento civil em portugal

Portugal has always had a long tradition of weddings, primarily among Portuguese citizens. However, in recent decades, there

life quality
On June 12, Lamares, Capela & Associados wrote an article about "Portugal is the 3rd most peaceful country
equal pay

Portugal has joined the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC), being the 11th member country. This organization brings together

portuguese nationality sephardic jews

Nationality – Sephardic Jews For who Sephardic Jews (in Hebrew ספרדים, sephardi; in plural, sephardim) are Jews originating

portuguese nationality former territories

Nationality – Former Portuguese territories (India, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, Macau and

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