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The will is a fundamental instrument for those who wish to define the distribution of their assets or

beneficios no setor da habitacao

As we enter 2025, a number of important changes are taking place in the housing sector in Portugal.

co-investimento em imoveis

Co-investing in real estate with friends or family can be an interesting strategy for sharing costs and combining

O NIP chega em 2025: Portugal implementa o "Cartão de Cidadão" dos imóveis

From January 2025, Portugal will take an important step towards modernising property management with the launch of the

Diogo Capela

Diogo Capela reconhecido internacionalmente como um dos melhores advogados do mundo na área da Imigração, pela 4ª vez

autorização de residência em Portugal através dos filhos

Portugal remains an attractive destination for families seeking stability, quality of life, and opportunities. In 2025, one of

non habitual

In 2025, the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) status was renewed and adapted to new economic and fiscal demands. Its

fundo de investimento para visto gold

Investment funds have become one of the most sought-after options for obtaining the Golden Visa in Portugal, allowing

Family reunification

Family reunification is a fundamental right that allows foreign citizens legally residing in Portugal to bring their family


The D3 Visa is an excellent option for highly skilled workers who wish to live and work in

Contacte-nos para saber mais detalhes.

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