To descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews, who demonstrate the tradition of belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin, without the need to master the Portuguese Language, provided they have legal residence in Portuguese territory for a minimum period of 3 years, consecutive or intermittent.
Obtains derivative nationality, but can transmit Portuguese nationality to their spouse, common-law partner, and minor children.
Collect, among others, the following documents:
The following preliminary procedure may be followed
* This process is totally independent, before the Israeli Community of Lisbon (CIL) and serves to obtain one of the necessary documents for the process, namely the Certificate.
The Certificate from the Jewish Community is subject to final approval by an evaluation commission appointed by the Ministry of Justice and which should include “representatives of the competent services in terms of the subject matter, researchers or teachers in higher education institutions in Sephardic studies, and representatives of Jewish communities with the status of a religious collective person, rooted in Portugal”.
* In the citizenship process the client receives a certificate of the Portuguese birth certificate and has the obligation to request the issuance of the ->Citizen Card-> and in possession of the latter, if desired, it can also request the issuance of the ->Portuguese Passport->. Both documents can be issued at the Portuguese Embassy and/or Consulate or directly in Portugal. Ask us how.
Lamares, Capela & Associados provides its services to national and international individuals and companies.
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