Beyond Borders

About Us

Portuguese lawyers Ana Sofia Lamares and Diogo Capela are the founding partners of the law firm. After deepening their expertise and gaining experience, primarily in the fields of Immigration and Citizenship, both decided to found LACA and pursue their mission.

The team brings together lawyers internationally renowned for their expertise, as well as professionals from other areas meticulously and carefully chosen, to ensure that the team is in line with a rigorous personal and professional ethos.

We stand for diversity, equality and non-discrimination, and treat colleagues, clients, partners and stakeholders with tolerance, respect, as well as fairness.

We are committed to the community, through the provision of pro-bono legal support and the dissemination of social projects, as well as to the planet, favouring the provision of services by digital means and striving for efficiency and saving water and energy.

What We Do

We work with commitment and accuracy in order to exceed our clients’ expectations.

We foster and promote a solid and lasting relationship with our clients, so that they can count on true and reliable partners in Portugal.

How we fulfil our obligations

Being close to the client – to satisfy their needs, we seek to know the client’s and their family’s expectations and ambitions.

Personalising – each client is unique – we do not repeat the same formula and we offer complementary services and support that often goes beyond legal.

Being creative with an innovative and practical approach – because we know more than the wording of the law. We have experience on the field and we understand the bureaucracy, the people, as well as the places.

Being available – we take our time and invest in explaining the process and possibilities in detail so that the client can make an informed decision. The know-how is ours but the decision is the client’s.

We listen to our clients – their feedback and suggestions are crucial for our continuous improvement.

Contacte-nos para saber mais detalhes.

A Lamares, Capela & Associados tem o compromisso de proteger e respeitar a sua privacidade e usaremos as suas informações pessoais apenas para gerir a sua conta e fornecer os produtos e serviços que nos solicitou. Ocasionalmente, gostaríamos de contactá-lo sobre os nossos produtos e serviços e também sobre outros assuntos que possam ser do seu interesse.